Thursday, March 3, 2011

Swimming Pool SRS

To develop an efficient computerized system for swimming pool club inventory system that will replace the existing system.
Swimming pool club inventory system is a system that provided to make it easy for admin or staff to manage member and supplier data/account. The computer system can help staff to keep track the inventory system in an efficient and convenient manner.
1)      Staff is wasting more time to arrange and search the record.
2)      Manual filing system is required more space to keep the record.
3)      Member records are no secure.
4)      The manual system has higher probability in data loss.
5)      Increase data redundancy
1)      Database system is used to tracking the inventory system in a more convenient way.
2)      Computerized inventory system is used to replace the manual filing system in order to reduce staff’s time and space that used in the club.
3)      It helps to protect the resource of data by accessing the system by using staff’s username and password.
4)      To prevent data loss, our system will provide a computer system.
5)      All the description and information will save in the database so that data redundancy will not occur.
Use Case Diagram

Rent Equipment Use Case
 Brief Description
This use case allow member to rent the swimming equipment in the swimming pool club inventory system. The member will tell staff what type of equipment and how many quantities they want rented. Then the staff will help member to check whether the stock are enough or not. The main actor of this use case is the member.
Flow of Events
The use case begins when the member want to rent the swimming pool club equipment.
Basic Flow-Rent Equipment
1. The member tells the staff the quantity of swimming pool club equipment they willing to rent.
2. The staff will check the swimming pool club inventory system whether there is enough equipment for the member to rent.
3. Staff will key in the rent information into the swimming pool club inventory system after checking the stock enough or not.
5. After that, staff will inform the member they are successfully to rent the swimming pool club equipment. Transaction is successful and the database will be updated.

 Return Equipment  Use Case
Brief Description
This use case allows the member to return the equipment that he/she rent in the swimming pool club inventory system. The staff will calculate how many broken equipment return and calculate the total that need to pay. Staff will manage all the process transaction.
Flow of event
The use case begins when the members return the equipment that he/she rent in the swimming pool club inventory system.
Basic Flow-Return Equipment
1. Member returns the equipment that they had rent from the swimming pool club inventory system before.
2. The staff will insert the number of equipment that had return and the broken equipment unit.
3. If there are any broken equipment unit, the system will calculate the total of amount that the member needs to compensate.
4. Member pay the money for compensates.
Purchase Item Use Case

Brief Description

This use case allows a member to purchase or buy swimming pool stuff. Staff will manage the process of transaction. Staff will select the item code that member want to buy, and then key quantity of items that member want to buy.

Flow of Events

The use case begins when the member want to buy a swimming pool stuff.

Basic Flow - Sales

1. The system will validate the member ID.
2. The system will prompt staff to insert item code and the quantity of purchased item.
3.  The system will automatically calculate the total payment for member.
4.  The quantity of stock for purchased item also will be change and updated. 
5.  The system inventory status will be updated and the use case ends.

 Make payment Use Case

Brief Description

This use case allows a member to pay for what they had purchase or rent swimming pool stuffs in the club. The system will calculate how much member need to pay and staff will going to collect the money. Staff will manage the process of transaction.

Flow of Events

The use case begins when the member pay money after they buy an item.

Basic Flow – Male payment

1. The system will validate the member ID.
2. The system will prompt staff to insert item code and the quantity of purchased item or rented   item.
3. The system will automatically calculate the total payment for the member.
4. The quantity of stock for purchased item also will be change and updated if he/she is purchased item.
5.  The inventory status will be updated and the use case ends.
6   The quantity of stock for equipment will be change and updated if he/she is rent an item.
7.  The equipment report will be updated if member is rent an item and the use case ends.

Log In Use Case
Brief Description
This use case describes how user log in to the swimming pool club inventory system. The actor starting this use case is staff of swimming pool club only.
Flow of Events
This use case begins when a staff input his/her username and password on the log in form provided by the system.
Basic Flow – Login
1.      The system confirms the username and password. Then logs in user into the system.
2.      The main form of the system displayed after the log in process and end the use case.

Register New Staff Use Case

Brief Description
This use case describe how new staff of swimming pool club do the registration as staff before they can use the system.
Flow of Events
This use case begins when the new staff input all the information needed in the staff registration form provided by the system.
Basic Flow – Register New Staff
1.      The form for new staff registration displayed on the screen.
2.      The user or new staff fills all the information needed in the registration form. Then click OK to save the information.
3.      Then, the registration of new staff success and user get their own username and password and the use case end.

Update the Database Use Case
Brief Description
This use case describe how staffs of swimming pool club update the database which are include the item status, equipment report, check stock and update stock in the system.
Flow of Events
This use case begins when the login process is valid and success.
Basic Flow – Register New Staff
1.      The main menu of the system displayed.
2.      User chooses the process he/she wants to access.
3.      Select item status to see the total item sold on that day. The list of item sold displayed.
4.      In order to check the equipment rent in a day user just simply selects the equipment report button. The information of the rental displayed.
5.      Select check stock button to update the stock. If the item out of stock, staff ordered new stock from the supplier and the stock will be added after they receive the ordered item from the supplier. Then, the use case end.

Make Order Use Case.
Brief Description
This use case allows staff to make order an equipment of swimming pool to supplier. This use case also allows staff to insert how many item n what kind of equipment they want to order. After staff done make the order, supplier will receive the order and the order will be delivered as soon as possible.

Flow of Event
The use case begins when the staff insert username and password to login
Basic Flow
1.      Click login after staff insert their username and password.
2.      Click on supplier button
3.      A description about to make an order will pop out.
4.      Fill in all the needed information

Maintain Customer Information Use Case
Brief Description
This use case allows the staff to maintain customer information in the system. This includes adding, modifying, and deleting customer information from the system. That’s mean staff can insert all information for new customer and also modifying their information for all customer. For those who never come again to the club for long period, their information will be deleted by staff.
Flow of Event
The use case begins when staff login and click on “Club Member” button.
Basic Flows
1.      Click on club member button.
2.      Staff can choose whether he/she want to click on button “add” for add new customer information, or button “edit” for modifying customer’s information or button “delete” for delete customer.
3.      Then staff needs to save it into database.
4.      ID of member will be appear, staff need to print it and give it to customer.

View Daily Report Use Case
Brief Description
This use case allows staff to view daily report on customer information, equipment status, new staff registration, order information and how much money the club get. The report are depends on what had staff do on the system. Staff also can print it for file it.

Flow of Events
The use case begins when staff login and click on “Club Member” button.
Basic flow
1.      After staff login to the system or after they had done any activiti on the system, go to the main page, then click on “Report” button.
2.      The daily report will be appear.
Staff can/need print the report by click on “print” button

·         The staff shall be log in to the system with username and password.
·         The staff shall be doing the registration for new staff.
·         The staff shall be updating the stock.
·         The staff shall view the inventory status where all the item purchase by the customer will be recorded.
·         The staff shall view equipment report.
·         The staff shall be able to maintain the customer information.
·         The system shall be able to calculate the total payment for customer.
·         The system shall be able to print out the inventory status.
·         The system shall be able to print out the equipment report.

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